Vision Therapy

Eyes above the horizon.
Elevating Perspectives

For those interested, I take a specifically visual approach to the counselling experience.
I offer a different perspective of visual psychology focusing on eye behaviours and reactions.
In what may be described as “vision therapy,” common visual  experiences and subtle behavioural habits that are often overlooked, may be explored.
My approach is experiential and self-reflective. I integrate Humanistic and Behavioural-Cognitive methods.

Since 1998 I have researched and taught in the area of visual behaviours and eye contact.
For over 20 years I have consulted with individuals, families and companies specifically on matters related to eyes and visual interactions – in a variety of settings.

People I help have difficulty in different kinds of social situations – in relationships of power, in complex intercultural environments, in stressful circumstances – and more.

The vision therapy I offer is not EMI or EMDR. It is a systematic behavioural-cognitive approach to increasing well-being through positive visual experiences and behaviours.

I offer specialized interventions for individuals of all ages experiencing difficulties related to eye contact, including autism spectrum disorders.

If you are experiencing difficulties with eye contact or uncomfortable visual interactions in any setting, please contact me.

We can change our lives with our eyes.